Fairmount Park Elementary

Fairmount Park

Family Handbook

Fairmount Park Family Handbook

Fairmount Park Families,
Welcome to the 2022-2023 school year.  We welcome suggestions you have for future publications.  Feel free to email Ms. Breidenbach if you have a suggestion as to any other critical information that can be added to our school’s handbook.

Office Staff

Daily Schedule

  • 7:40 – Playground opens
  • 7:40-7:50 – Breakfast is served
  • 7:50 – Warning bell; students able to enter the building
  • 7:55 – School begins
  • 9:15-9:30-K/1 recess
  • 10:55-11:30 – Lunch and recess for students in grades K-2
  • 11:00-11:35 – Recess and lunch for students in grades 3-5
  • 12:50 to 1:05 – K-2 recess1:10 to 1:25 – Grades 3-5 recess
  • 2:25 – Dismissal (1:10 on Wednesdays)
  • 2:35 – Buses depart (1:20 on Wednesdays)

Adult Visitors

Visitors are defined as anyone who has not completed all the paperwork necessary to be a volunteer.  Parent visitors may only interact with their child.  Visitors are not allowed to have contact with a child other than their own unless a teacher is present and closely supervising.  Visitors in the school on a regular basis will be asked to complete all the volunteer paperwork so that a background check is completed.

Parents are always welcome to visit their child’s room.  However, for any time period longer than 30 minutes, prior arrangements need to be made with the teacher.  All visitors must sign in at the office and wear a visitor’s badge while in the building.   Teachers must approve the presence of any visitor (other than a parent) at least 24 hours prior to the visit and have the right to decline to accept any unannounced visitor other than a parent.  

All adult visitors/volunteers are required to use the adult bathrooms on the lower level of the new building (the kindergarten hallway).  Adult visitors/volunteers may not enter the student restrooms. Visitors/volunteers with younger children should use the adult restrooms on the second floor.

Adult Volunteers

Volunteers may interact with students other than their own child under the direction of staff. 

Volunteers over the age of 16 must complete a series of videos and forms as mandated by SPS.  Visit the SPS Volunteer page for more information.  Parents without computers at home are welcome to come to the office.  We will provide you with a computer to do the necessary paperwork.  Approved volunteers are now approved for two years upon completion of all paperwork.

Volunteer guidelines for Fairmount Park:

  1. Sign in and wear a volunteer’s badge when you are in the school building or on the playground.  Always enter through the main entrance on Findlay.
  2. No weapons of any kind are permitted on school grounds. This includes pen knives, mace, pocketknives, and firearms  even if you have a permit to carry the weapon. 
  3. Respect the students and staff.   If the teacher has students present, please allow the teacher to be fully present with students.  Teachers are unable to discuss issues/concerns with parents when students are present.  Please schedule a time to speak to the teacher when students are not present.
  4. All adult volunteers need to use the adult restrooms at the northern end of the kindergarten wing (lower floor of the eastern building).  Adults are Never to Enter Student Restrooms.  If you have a pre-K student, please use the adult restrooms. 
  5. Cell phones should be neither seen nor heard. Please turn your phone off or set it to silent while in the building and do not use it in locations where you could be observed by students. 
  6. All field trip chaperones must complete all volunteer paperwork. 
  7. If you are unsure or uncomfortable about any student’s behavior, consult with a staff member.  No adults should have any contact with children other than their own child unless a teacher has asked for him/her to do so. 
  8. Maintain the privacy of students. Don’t discuss academic or discipline issues that you may have observed while volunteering in the school.  
  9. Finally, thank you for volunteering.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Advanced Learning Opportunities (ALO) at Fairmount Park

Classroom Differentiation. At Fairmount Park Elementary, we have high expectations for all students, and we know that each will be challenged by the rigor and depth of our curriculum. To that end, Fairmount Park follows an inclusion model in which teachers differentiate instruction for all students. Current research shows that inclusion is generally best educational practice for all learners, including advanced learners, especially in math. An inclusion model is also consistent with the Seattle Public Schools’ Strategic Plan focus on undoing legacies of racism in public education. The following are various strategies we use to meet the needs of all learners, including those identified as advanced either by their teachers or district testing.

ALO Math Strategies. Fairmount Park utilizes the enVision Math 2020 curriculum, which builds conceptual understanding through a combination of problem-based and visual learning strategies. Teachers implement differentiated instruction in varied groups: whole class, small group, partners, and individual. Listed below are instructional strategies used at Fairmount Park (note that not every strategy will be used in every classroom):

  • Parallel Tasks. All students work on the same core content with tasks of different complexity.
  • Math Centers and Games. Activities in small groups based on student choice or teacher designation.
  • Small Group Instruction. Teacher works with a small group of students on a targeted learning goal. 
  • Tiered Assignments. Adjusted degrees of difficulty of a question, task, or product to match student’s current readiness level.
  • Open Questions. A question framed in such a way that a variety of responses/approaches are possible. 
  • Targeted Questioning.Teacheris intentional about depth of questions asked. All students are asked questions that require critical thinking at a level that is challenging for them, and all students benefit from hearing their peers’ thinking.

ALO Reading Strategies. The strategies listed above are also adapted for use in reading instruction. We use a wide variety of reading materials from our classroom and school libraries,  teacher read-alouds, and content area reading. Classroom groupings include:

  • Flexible Leveled Reading Groups (K-3). Utilizing the Collaborative Classroom curriculum, students are placed in groups by current reading level to ensure appropriate instruction and reading materials. Groups can change as students’ reading skills develop.  
  • Literature Groups (3-5). A group of students read the same book.  They ask peer questions, discuss major themes, study vocabulary, and analyze author’s purpose and style. 
  • Independent Reading. Each student will have an opportunity for self-selected books during the school day to develop reading fluency and get in the habit of reading.
  • Support for Students in Selecting Appropriate Books. Teacher will guide students in choosing just-right books for independent reading. (Criteria include instructional level, high-interest reading, and student choice.)

Teachers may also use the following differentiated approaches to support the ALO Reading Strategies above:

  • Reading Logs. Students keep a reading record to allow both student & teacher to monitor choices.
  • Independent Book Study Projects. Opportunities for students to explore a topic of interest to them.
  • Book Reports (2-5). Depth of student analysis and comprehension is appropriate to student reading level.  
  • Response to Literature. Opportunities for students to demonstrate understanding by using text to make connections and support thinking. Projects could include art, drama, writing, reports or other presentations.
  • Extension Menus. Developed in conjunction with members of a grade level team, students choose an option from a predetermined “menu” of options (or propose an alternate option) that allows them to demonstrate and extend their learning.

 For more information about Advanced Learning Opportunities, please visit the Seattle Public Schools Department of Advanced Learning.

Anti-Bullying Policy

Fairmount Park Elementary is committed to making our school a safe and caring place for all students. The Fairmount Park Elementary definition of bullying is as follows:

Bullying is unfair and one-sided. It happens when someone repeatedly hurts, frightens, threatens or leaves someone out on purpose.

Bullying behaviors include the following:

  • Hurting someone physically by hitting, kicking, tripping, or pushing
  • Stealing or damaging another person’s things     
  • Ganging up on someone
  • Teasing someone in a hurtful way
  • Using put-downs, such as insulting someone’s physical characteristics, or making fun of someone due to their skill in a game
  • Touching or showing private body parts
  • Spreading rumors or untruths about someone
  • Leaving someone out on purpose or trying to get other kids not to play with someone
  • Using the internet/technology to harass another person

To prevent bullying, students at Fairmount Park are expected to:

  • Treat each other respectfully
  • Refuse to let others be bullied
  • Refuse to bully others
  • Try to include everyone in play, especially those who are often left out
  • Report bullying to an adult

Teachers and staff at Fairmount Park will do the following:

  • Supervise students in all areas of the school and playground
  • Watch for signs of bullying and stop it when it happens
  • Respond quickly and sensitively to bullying reports
  • Investigate reported bullying incidents
  • Assign consequences for bullying based on the school discipline code
  • Provide immediate consequences for retaliation against students who report bullying
  • Teach the children who are “bystanders” how to step in if they witness bullying
  •  Work closely with the children who bully others to teach them other ways to exert their leadership and power in a positive direction
  • Ask for parental support in hopes that you will work with us to help all the children

We expect parents to:

  • Report bullying behavior to the classroom teacher, counselor, or principal
  • Not confront/talk to alleged bully themselves but rather refer the issue to a staff member


Malicious and intentional intimidation, unwelcome conduct or harassing another person because of that person’s race, color, sex, sexual orientation, ancestry, or national origin is strictly prohibited.  Any such acts will be dealt with according to School District Policies.


Attendance Policy

As school attendance is legally required for children, the following guidelines are set for the 2022-2023 school year:

  • Excused absences include when students are ill, at a medical or therapy appointment, have a family emergency that requires an absence, or any event that cannot be rescheduled.
  •  Once in a lifetime trips that cannot be rearranged (e.g. college graduations, funerals) are also excused.
  •  Family vacations on school days are unexcused.  Children missing school for vacation trips will be marked “vacation unexcused.”

Students arriving to their classrooms after 8:00 am are marked tardy.  Medically related reasons or family emergencies are excused.  Any student who arrives at 8:00 or later will need to check in at the front office and get a tardy slip to be admitted into class.  Late students will only be allowed to enter school from the front doors on Findlay. 

Math is often the most challenging area to make up when a child is absent.  If a child takes a trip/vacation or has unexcused absences during the school year, the parent will need to make sure that the student completes all the math work during the absence.  This will ensure that the student is ‘on the same page’ when they return to school. 

Reporting an Absence

Please call the office at 206-252-9304 and report that your child will not be attending school due to illness or medical appointment.   We are legally required to contact parents regarding all absences.  All unreported absences are marked as unexcused until we hear from the parent.  The school has a message machine so absences can be left during all hours.  If you email the teachers that information ahead of time, please also send that attendance information to Ms. Ashman and Ms. Shelton. 

Children with fevers should be kept home until 24 hours after the fever has broken.  Children should also remain home for 24 after vomiting or having diarrhea. 

After School Clubs

After school clubs are run by private vendors who contract through the PTA.  As such, any questions regarding fees, student expectations, or general questions need to be directed to the leader/teacher of the activity.  The school’s administration does not handle discipline matters or financial issues regarding these clubs.   


Birthday invitations are not to be passed out at school unless all students in the classroom receive the invitation.  Please coordinate with the classroom teacher if you want birthday invitations sent home to all the classmates.   Please use the PTA family directory for student mailing information.   Fairmount Park will celebrate all birthdays without food, toys, or party favors of any kind. 


Bus Expectations

Following this paragraph, you will find expectations of students who ride the bus to/from Fairmount Park. Please go over the bus expectations with your child. They are important to follow because they involve the safety and well-being of your child and others.

In the event your child receives a bus conduct notice (write-up) for violating bus expectations, these are the procedures which will be followed:

  • First Notice – The student will talk with an administrator about the incident.  Bus expectations will be discussed.  The citation will be sent home.
  • Second Notice – The student will talk with an administrator about the incident.  The citation will be sent home.
  • Third Notice – The student will talk with an administrator about the incident.  The parent/guardian will be contacted.  The student will be suspended from the bus for 1 day.
  • Fourth Notice-   The student will be suspended from the bus for 1 to 5 days.
  • Fighting – Students engaging in fighting on the bus will automatically be suspended from the bus for 1 to 5 days.      

If the student engages in exceptional misconduct, the child will be suspended/removed from the bus.

Bus Loading Area (cutout area) on Findlay

The area in front of the school along Findlay is restricted for special education buses (and district and delivery vehicles) between 7:00 am and 5:00 pm on school days.  Please do not park there or drop off students.   

Cell Phones

We recognize that many students carry cell phones to communicate with parents to/from school.  Students are not allowed to use cell phones on school property.  If a student has an emergency call to make, he/she must first obtain permission from a staff member to use a phone.  The first time an adult takes away a cell phone, the phone goes to the office and the child picks it up from the principal at the end of the day.  When this happens a second time, the principal keeps the cell phone until the parent can collect it.  The school is not responsible for any lost or stolen cell phones or other electronic items.   Should a cell phone or electronic device go missing, the administrator will only investigate if a child was “strong armed” and the device was taken that way.  Lost, missing, or presumed stolen electronics will not be investigated. 

Chain of Communication

The classroom teacher is the first point of contact for all parental concerns unless it is an immediate safety or health concern.   This includes any concerns parents have about classroom dynamics and academic/social-emotional/behavioral needs of your child.  Talking first with the teacher promotes a healthy working relationship between parents and teachers.  Ms. Breidenbach/ Ms. Roberson become involved only when the issue cannot be resolved with the teacher.  (The only exceptions to this would be immediate health or safety needs of a child.)  Please note that Ms. Breidenbach/Ms. Roberson are not allowed to hold any employee related performance concerns as confidential.  All concerns brought to their attention must and will be discussed with the employees.   


Our School Counselor provides social-emotional support to assist learning and development by providing classroom lessons, group sessions, and individual appointments. Referrals are made by teachers and staff, or students may request meetings through their teacher or at the front office. Parents are welcomed to call or email to request consultations. The school counselor also administrates our SST (Student Support Team) process and 504 accommodations. 

Dress Code

SPS has a dress code that can found on the SPS website.  Please send students to school in athletic shoes and socks daily due to the amount of physical movement students will have each day.


The elevators remain unlocked at all times.  However, only students with physical restrictions will use the elevators.  A physician’s note is required for students to have elevator access. 


All staff members have district email addresses.  Staff will make every effort to return emails within 48 hours.  Teachers will not check email during instructional hours.  For timely needs, always contact Ms. Ashman or Ms. Shelton in the main office.

As teachers are not able to check email during student hours, please make sure your child knows his/her afternoon transportation plans before coming to school.  Teachers are not responsible for reminding students about their afternoon plans.  One suggestion is to have a laminated schedule attached by a zip tie to your child’s backpack with the weekly afternoon schedule for pickup or bus service.  Notify the office by 11:0 am of any last minute or emergency transportation changes. 


Building Lock-Down

Fairmount Park’s building lock-down plan assists in maintaining order and safety within the school building. In the event if there is an intruder or event that requires a lockdown to maintain safety, students and adults are expected to go to a pre-designated safe area, remain quiet, and try not to be seen from windows and the street. In a lock-down, parents and visitors will not be allowed to enter the building. “Lock-down” means all inner and outer doors are locked, including classroom doors. No one may come in or out.  “Shelter in Place” means that the outer doors are locked but staff and students may move within the building.  Parents are sent email notification after each lock-down drill.

Emergency Drills

Fire drills, earthquake drills, and lock down drills are also practiced during the school year. Escape routes are posted in each instructional space in the building.

Falcon Flyer

The Falcon Flyer is our weekly electronic newsletter that goes home every Thursday. All important PTA and school information is contained in this newsletter. Hard copies are provided for families without email addresses.

Field Trips

Throughout the school year, your child’s teacher may take his/her class on field trips. Field Trip Permission Forms will be sent home for parent/guardian’s signature and will indicate any fees needed for each field trip.

If the field Trip Permission Form isn’t returned to school, your child will remain at school that day.   If your child is unable to attend a field trip, he/she will be placed into another classroom until his/her class returns.

If you plan to chaperone a field trip, all volunteer paperwork and a background check must be completed prior to the day of the field trip. In a perfect world, volunteer paperwork will be completed by September 30th.  Only parents/legal guardians are asked to chaperone.  Other family members may be allowed to chaperone, only if the teacher is not able to get enough parent chaperones and that person has completed the volunteer paperwork. 

If you plan to drive on a field trip or chaperone, you must complete the volunteer approval process and complete a field trip chaperone form that the teacher will provide. 

Gum, Candy and Pop

Students are not allowed to bring gum, candy, or pop to school. This policy helps to keep our school equipment and carpets clean, and your child healthy. Your desire to provide a small single-serving candy snack in your child’s lunch is acceptable, but we encourage you to send healthy snacks rather than candy.


Kindergarten will not have homework but are encouraged to read with an adult and/or independently every night.  Grades 1-5 will have independent reading and minimal math homework (that wasn’t finished during the school day or if the child needs extra practice to meet the standards) to reinforce skills.  If your child struggles to complete the assigned math homework, please don’t allow them to spend any more than 30 minutes trying to complete the work.  Please communicate the difficulty to the teacher and the teacher will address this.  (Students in 6th and 7th grade math classes can expect math homework.  As those courses need to be comparable to actual middle school math classes, homework will be a regular part of the program.)

Research indicates that extra homework has minimal if any impact on student achievement.  Students need their evening time for unstructured play, dinnertime conversations with their family, and an opportunity to engage in extra-curricular activities of their choice.    We don’t consider nightly reading as homework.  Successful people read every day of their lives.  Please build in nightly reading time for your children.  The staff would also ask that you follow your pediatrician’s recommendation for sleep.  Most elementary students are recommended to sleep 10-11 hours each night. 


K-3 students will have a scheduled half hour class each week in the library.  During class time, children will receive a short lesson in the library relating to information skills and the use of the library.  This might include a book talk or a read aloud.  Students will be given time to check out books during this period.  Grades 4-5 will see the librarian but less frequently.

  • We want to encourage children to read at least 20-30 minutes per night.  Kindergarteners and first graders will have a limit of two books that may be checked out.  Second through fifth graders may check out four books. 
  • Children may keep their books out for two weeks.  Parents will be sent reminders of overdue library books by email.  Families without email will receive hard copy notices.  Our library’s policy is that a lost book be paid for in full.  A notice for the cost to replace the item will be sent home.   Please feel free to call or email our librarian, Ms. Burks at lbvannini@seattleschools.org if you have a problem with an overdue book.
  • Parents and siblings may check out books, too!
  • We are dependent on parents as volunteers in our library.  Opportunities to volunteer include shelving books, assisting with book check outs during class and more!  If you would like to volunteer, please email Ms. Vannini.

Lost and Found

The Lost and Found racks are located in the foyer near the entrance to the lunchroom.  To reduce the amount of goods that are deposited on the lost and found racks, we ask that parents put first names and last initials on the label of all coats, sweatshirts, jackets, lunchboxes, and any other items your child is likely to leave sitting around on the playground or hallways.  This helps to ensure the items are returned to the owners.  Lost and found items will be donated to charity on the last day of each month.  PLEASE write your child’s information on every item that can be removed from their body during the school day. 


We are required to compost and recycle all student waste.  It is helpful for students to use reusable containers for lunches from home.  Students will be asked to pack out what they pack in so that students with school lunches can quickly get through the compost line. 

No glass bottles are allowed in the lunchroom due to concerns over broken glass.  Students should not bring pop or large bags of “junk food” to the cafeteria.  Any snacks that are in the “junk food” category should be single serving size only.  Due to allergy concerns, students are expected to eat their own lunch.  Parents and adults are always welcome to join their children for lunch and recess.  No prior notice is required.  Just sign in when you enter the school and come directly to the lunchroom.  Due to allergy concerns, we request that adults who join their children for lunch do not share food with any other children.

Lunchroom Expectations:

  • Eat only your food and clean up your messes
  • Remain seated except for getting lunch or throwing away trash
  • Use an inside voice

Lunchroom Accounts

Deposit funds into your child’s lunch account.  Students receiving free or reduced lunch need to have their lunch forms returned within the first week to ensure continuation of this program.  When all students have credit in their account, it helps the lunch line move quickly and is helpful in case a student forgets to bring his/her lunch from home.

Lunches from home need to be sent in ‘crow-proof containers.’  We have several crows that wait for students to put their lunchboxes in the tubs.  The crows immediately go after those with paper or plastic bags.  Please respect the intelligence of the crows and use a lunch container that snaps or zips. The crows have yet to figure out how to open those. 

Medications at school

If your child must take either prescription or non-prescription medication during school hours, a written permission slip for the school to administer the medication must be signed by the parent/guardian and doctor, and the medication kept in the nurse’s office as a safeguard for all. Medication permission forms are available in the front office. Prescription and over the counter medication must be in the original container. Children Should Never Carry or Hold Their Own Medications During the School Day.  All medication must be checked in at the nurse’s office.

Morning Drop off/End of the Day Student Pickup

Due to our challenging location and the safety of all children, the following procedures are in place for students

Morning drop off:

  • No Fairmount Park students should ever arrive or be present on the park or school property before 7:40. However tempting to come early, it is for the safety of all children that we ask that you honor the 7:40 arrival.
  • Supervision by school staff begins at 7:40. 
  • Buses unload at 7:40. Bus drivers will “hold” students on the buses if they arrive early. 
  • All students wait on the blacktop prior to the start of school.  Kindergarten classes will have assigned areas but all other grades do not.  When the bell rings, students in grades 1/2 enter the large gray double-doors and walk up the stairs to their rooms.  Students in grades 3-5 walk up the ramp to enter the building. 
  • Please use designated crosswalks when crossing Fauntleroy. 
  • The alley along the staff parking area is not a walkway or driveway for student drop-off.    Please use the sidewalk on Fauntleroy as it is much safer. 
  • Morning drop-off is on Fauntleroy beyond/north of the bus zone.  Please have your child exit to the sidewalk and enter the school using the paved pathway.  Please do not linger in this unloading area so that others can use those spots. 
  • If you plan on coming into the office or staying at school for part of the morning, please find a parking spot a block or two away and walk in. 
  • Students waiting for the start of school between 7:40-7:50 will be encouraged to socialize with friends and not run around or engage in play.  No play equipment will be brought out during this time as we could have over 400 students waiting in a very small area.
  • All students remain outside until the 7:50 bell rings.  Teachers need this time to prepare for the day’s lessons so no children should be in the building before that first bell.  When the bell rings, students enter directly into the building and walk directly to their classrooms.
  • Kindergarten students line up outside of the gym on the blacktop.  Kindergarten teachers will meet their students each day and walk them into the building.
  • We will only have rainy day indoor reading prior to the start of school, or otherwise, if it is a torrential downpour.  Students are encouraged to wear appropriate raingear with head coverings, including boots, but not umbrellas.
  • All students arriving prior to 8:00 should be dropped off on Fauntleroy and enter the building from the blacktop/playground.
  • Students arriving after 8:00 will need to enter through the main doors on Findlay.  Students will ring the buzzer and a staff member will walk out to open the doors for them.  The Findlay doors will be locked in the morning for security reasons.  All adults and children arriving to school prior to 8:00 should enter through the playfield or blacktop as the Findlay doors will not be accessible until 8:00
  • The courtyard and back gates will be locked once school begins. 
  • Contact the office staff if your child has an injury that requires the uses of crutches or a wheelchair.    We will develop an alternate plan for your child. 
  • Please stay out of the bus zone with your private vehicle unless your vehicle is yellow, at least 50 feet long, and has 26 bench seats in it.

Afternoon pickup:

  • Bus students will walk to the bus loading area and remain inside the fence until the buses arrive for loading.  Adult staff will be present to support bus loading.  Please make sure your child has the bus number committed to memory before the first day of school.
  • Teachers will walk their students to the blacktop for parent pickup.
  • If your child walks home independently, please review the route with your child (many times) and let the classroom teacher know that you child will be walking home daily.  Walkers do not check in with an adult before heading home.  Siblings should plan on meeting each other on the blacktop and walking home from there. 
  • Children included in a walking school bus or who will be picked up by an adult will meet on the blacktop.   Teachers will have areas assigned on the blacktop for parents to meet the classes.
  • Please do not park in either bus area (along Findlay or Fauntleroy) so that buses can depart in a safe and timely manner.
  • Does your child have a varying afternoon pickup or bus schedule?  A suggestion is to make a laminated luggage tag to hang from their backpack.  Create a weekly schedule that hangs from their backpack.  This helps when children forget if they are riding the bus or being picked up. 

Picking Up Your Child Early

Please park in the 5-minute parking area on Findlay, come into the office, and sign out your child if you need to pick up your child during the day. The office staff will call down your child to meet you in the foyer.  To minimize the loss of instructional time, students remain in their classrooms until the parent arrives.    


Animals are not allowed on school grounds at any time.  Please keep your pet in your car during pick up and drop off times as many children have a fear of dogs.  Although public sidewalks are property of the City of Seattle, I would ask that you not have your dog on the sidewalks outside of our school.  Dogs are not allowed on the playground or the playfield.  For both your own legal protection as well as the safety of our students, it is best that dogs be left at home. 

Playground Expectations

Fairmount Park Playground Rules

“Playgrounds should be rich environments where children can stretch their physical, emotional, social and intellectual skills.”

(Hudson, Thompson, and Mack)

Although these rules certainly do not include all expectations, these are the posted playground rules:

General Rules:

  1. Follow the directions of the duty person.
  2. See an adult if you need first aid of any kind.  The duty staff will then radio the office to alert them that a student is on the way to the office for their injury. 
  3. Use the equipment in a safe manner.  Play safely in all areas.
  4. Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
  5. Use appropriate language at all times.
  6. Show respect to your fellow students and adults.
  7. Take turns.
  8. Cooperate and use words to solve problems.  Ask an adult for help.
  9. Join your class lines quickly after the whistle blows. 
  10. Eat food only in the cafeteria. 
  11. Kick balls only as part of soccer and kickball.
  12. Return equipment to the bins at the end of recess.
  13. Stay off of all fences.
  14. Stay within boundaries.

Play Structures and Field:

  1. Balls are not permitted in the Big Toy area.
  2. Make lines.
  3. Take turns.
  4. Keep hands and feet to yourself.
  5. Slides are meant for sliding down…that is why they aren’t called Climbs!
  6. Wait!  Make sure the slide and pole are clear before taking your turn.
  7. Football is not allowed.  There are to be no footballs on the playground.
  8. If a ball goes over the fence, notify an adult and stay on our side of the fence. 
  9. When climbing, stay inside the play structure.
  10. Always make safe choices.

Play Dates

Play dates need to be arranged before students arrive to school.  We do not allow students to miss class time to go to the office to call home for such arrangements.

Progress Reports

Progress reports are released on The Source at the conclusion of each trimester.  A formal conference with your child’s teacher will be scheduled in November. 


We go outside for all recesses unless it’s a heavy downpour.  Students should have proper raingear including coats and head coverings.  For safety reasons, umbrellas are not allowed at recess.  If your child walks to and from school, they may bring an umbrella to school as long it is collapsible.  All K-5 students have a lunch recess for 15 minutes and another afternoon recess for 15 minutes with their class.    

Students are not kept inside during recess if they are slow workers.  Our goal is to send all students outside to all recess.  Exceptions are made when a child is non-compliant, disrespectful, or harming others.    Teachers may opt to keep a child inside at recess to have a discussion with the child about what is expected behaviors.      

Parents often ask if a child can remain inside should there be a health reason.  That child will be allowed to go to a buddy classroom as appropriate. 

School Psychologist, Speech & Language Pathologist, Occupation & Physical Therapist 

These specialists work at Fairmount Park part-time. They are available to assess student needs and to provide limited therapy. They also work with the Student Support Team (SST) and share their skills and resources with staff and parents. They can be reached through the school office.

Student Support Team (SST)

Staff members or parents who have a concern regarding a child’s academic, social or emotional growth, may refer their concerns to the school’s Student Support Team. This team is made up of the classroom teacher(s), the principal, the school psychologist, the counselor and other specialists. A meeting is held at school to determine what we can do to support your child. Our aim is to work together as a team inclusive of families to help all children to develop to their greatest abilities. Parents may request a Student Support Team meeting by contacting their child’s teacher. The SST typically meets weekly.  


Our school asks the following so that sunscreen provides the necessary safety but doesn’t become a distraction for students:

  1.  Apply sunscreen in the morning before your children come to school.  
  2. Sunscreen from home must be kept in their backpacks.  Please secure the sunscreen in a Ziploc bag to protect the other items in the backpack from spills and leaks.  Teach your child how to use the Ziploc bag as they will need to close it when finished.  Please use a Sharpie and label both the sunscreen container and Ziploc bag with your child’s name.
  3. I would encourage that you send your child in short sleeve shirts.  This will result in your child applying their sunscreen just on their lower arms and legs.   Please teach your child how to apply the sunscreen as they will need to do so independently.
  4.  School staff cannot help students apply the sunscreen.  Students need to practice this at home so that they understand how to apply it properly.
  5. Be sure to try the sunscreen at home for a few days before sending it to school.  One of our teachers tried a new type of sunscreen with her child only to have the child’s skin develop a painful rash. 
  6. Please reinforce with your children that they are not to share their sunscreen.  We never know how children will react when a lotion is applied to their skin and cannot let students share their sunscreen with others. 
  7. Please do not send students to schools with the spray/pump type of sunscreen.   Lotions will work best.  The spray/pump varieties are likely to get on other students and/or become a toy.  Trust me – spray/pump containers will become toys in the hands of children. 
  8. Sunscreen can be applied at the start of the afternoon recess.  Teachers will allow students to go to their lockers and apply the sunscreen to themselves approximately 20-40 minutes prior to their afternoon recess.
  9. Head covering (hats, caps, etc.) are allowed at recess time to protect their heads and faces.  Teachers will remind students that head coverings remain in their lockers during inside time. 
  10. Try to find a sunscreen that is fragrance free.  Your child’s classmates will appreciate that!

Temporary Bus Cards (Yellow Cards)

Students can travel with friends and to different bus stops via a yellow card.  To secure a yellow card for your child for a temporary ride, send a note to the office including your child’s name, the exact stop you would like your child to get off at, and the date the yellow card is needed.  All notes/emails must be given/sent to the office staff by 10:00 am.  If you send this message to the office staff via email, please call before noon to make sure that they have received your email.

Temporary bus cards are not issued during the first two weeks of school.


Sports equipment and toys (including playing or trading cards) from home should not be brought to school.  We provide all the playground equipment to students that they will need. 

Weapons at School 

Common sense and district policy say that students should not bring guns, play guns, pocketknives, throwing stars, laser-light pens, weapons, or any other device that might injure another person at school. The district penalty for possession of a weapon, toy or real, will be strictly enforced.   Please have a conversation with your child as to why we don’t joke about weapons or sneak toy weapons to school.